
To order wool simply send us an email with the wool type (e.g. Gotland ewe), colour (e.g. black forest) and weight (e.g. 1.5kg) you desire. Please provide your address so that postage costs can also be quoted along with the wool cost. For overseas customers wishing to calculate the wool costs please use the currency converter below.


Payment can be made by personal or bank cheque (check) as well as using PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Please note

All prices on this website are in New Zealand Dollars ($NZ) and exclude postage. Prices are subject to change. Due to customs regulations I may not be able to ship to certain countries.

Not all fleece colours are available at once so please select a range of colours you are interested in. If your colour of choice is not available you will receive an email with the various colours available. As I have only a small flock of coloured sheep wool availability is limited and consequently not all stock (wool type and colours) are available at one time

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Chocolate Wool NZ

Hamish Black

Address: Hakataramea Valley
South Island, New Zealand
Phone: +64 (27) 3734727
E-mail: chocolatewoolnz@gmail.com