My Breeds
The Gotland breed originally comes from the Swedish Island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.
The Gotland is a native Landrace breed belonging to the Northern
European short-tailed group of sheep. The Northern short-tailed sheep
are similar to the medium-wool type found mainly in Scandinavia.
make up about three percent of the world sheep population and are known
for high fertility.
The Gotland today is the most common breed of sheep in Sweden. They are also
found in Holland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Russia, United Kingdom and
New Zealand.
A small number of this breed has survived free of improvement on the
Island of Lilla Karlso off the coast of Gotland. This population is
about 1,000 animals.
Special Characteristics - The Gotland's Unique Colour Range
Fleece Colour - (Chocolate Wool NZ Colour Code)
Black - (Black Forest)
Black Grey - (Choc-o-late Grey)
Dark Grey - (Grey Crush)
Medium Grey - (Marble Grey)
Light Grey - (Milky Way Grey)
White Grey - (Tip Top White)
Near White - (Vanilla White)
Wool Facts
Fibre diameter: 34 - 40 microns (ewe fleece), 29 - 33 microns (lamb fleece).
Staple length: 100 - 150 mm.
Fleece weight: 1.5 - 2.5 kg (ewe fleece). 1.0 - 1.5kg (lamb fleece)
Uses: Spun yarn can be used to make soft delicate garments or weatherproof outdoor wear. If dyed, very subtle modified shades are obtained. The fleece is excellent for felting.
Coloured Merino
The Merino
breed was developed in Spain. They were first
exported from Spain in the early 18th century to Sweden and
later to Saxony and Russia. Today
the white Merino can be found throughout the world and in particular
Spain, Russia, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Coloured Merino
wool is popular for handcraft use because of its extreme softness.
The fleece is not widely used by
inexperienced hand spinners because the staple is short, and unless
carefully selected, the wool tends to be sticky, but a skilled spinner
can produce wonderful results.
Colours from the Coloured Merino include black, grey and moorit.
Wool Facts
Fibre diameter: 14 - 25 microns. The average Merino is about 20 microns, fine is 18 - 19 microns and anything less than 18 is superfine and sheer luxury.
Staple length: 65 - 100 mm.
Fleece weight: 3.0 - 5.0 kg.
Uses: Fine worsteds, fine woollens, knitwear, dress fabric
Coloured Polwarth
The Polwarth breed was developed in Victoria, Australia in 1880. First cross Lincoln x Merino ewes were backcrossed to Merino rams to produce "comeback" progeny (3/4 Merino: 1/4 Lincoln) and then interbred to produce the Polwarth animals. They were first introduced into New Zealand in 1932. Coloured Polwarth wool is very popular for handcraft use because of its staple length and can be used for lightweight garments.
Fibre diameter: 23 - 26 microns.
Staple length: 75 - 110 mm.
Fleece weight: 3.0 - 5.0 kg.
Uses: High quality worsted fabrics, knitting yarns and apparels, baby clothing and fine fibre blends. Also excellent for felting.